Update (4 January, 2006)--The link to the guidebook in my posting below was not working! Sorry. It's been repaired now.
Have a good idea...need funding? Try the new guidebook on how to prepare and present proposals, authored by Maria Salinas and Phil LaRocco of E+Co. "This guidebook," they write in the introduction, "has a single purpose: to improve the odds that good ideas will attract the resources needed for successful implementation. There are many good ideas. Unfortunately, most do not get beyond the idea stage because rarely can a single person assemble all the resources needed and do all the work required to convert an idea into a reality. To obtain such resources we must explain our idea clearly, be convincing that the idea can be implemented and know what is needed to succeed. That is what a proposal does." You can download a free copy from here. E+Co also have several other useful documents and tools listed here, including the REED Toolkit, a step-by-step manual to develop a business plan. REED stands for Rural Energy Enterprise Development.
Update--Acknowledgements: The guidebook was prepared by the Technology sub-programme of the Adaptation, Technology and Science Programme of the UNFCCC secretariat. It is to the result of close collaboration between the consultants, Philip LaRocco and Maria Salinas, who drafted the bulk of the text, and staff of the UNFCCC secretariat. In carrying out this task, they received valuable assistance and advice from members of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer and numerous practitioners.
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