Just when i thought we had the "Web 2.0" thing down pat, here comes the How to Split an Atom site with the longest blog post i have ever read talking about--"Web 3.0"? They define Web 3.0 as "Highly specialized information silos, moderated by a cult of personality, validated by the community, and put into context with the inclusion of meta-data through widgets," and go on to elaborate. For me, the most convincing is what they have to say about search:
- Search engines will be replaced by smaller, specialized searchlets
- Search engines will be able to understand context through tagging and community interaction.
- Search “profiles” will become portable, allowing us to have the digital equivalent of body language.
- Natural language search will be improved once search engines have a stronger understanding of context.
- People search will become more important.
- Guided / Editorial search will be a stopgap where search engines still fail to provide relevance.