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« Uganda and India set to build US$200 million technology park | Main | Three African energy pioneers win Ashden Awards 2008 »

June 18, 2008


Nairobian Perpective

hi, Uptimist, you also received a favourable spot in TIME'S magazine, im sincerely proud of you African bloggers for excelling in such manner!


My Uptimist friend, thank you for your kind words. However, you failed to mention at all that you were listed on that same post on TIME. As you already know, you're an inspiration to us, and we're just waiting for you to become a contributor to AfriGadget... :) (even if just from time-to-time)


Me, your inspiration?! It's you and people like you who have been an inspiration for this blog, Erik, seriously! Keep up the good work...


Seriously, when will you join the Afrigadget team of editors?

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